Feeding Fussy Kids — feeding fussy families
Chapter 4: Fun food styling and marketing mottoes
be the influencer in your child's life beat obesity don't tell them it's healthy feeding fussy families feeding fussy kids feeding the family fussy children get kids to eat vegies how to make children enjoy eating vegetables make mealtime fun marketing health food

Fast food manufacturers call products ‘happy meals’ and they make children’s food into small and fun shapes. They also associate their products with novelty gadgets and animated characters. This is clever. And it’s clear that over time many people come to associate these brands with enjoyment because they keep going back for more. Parents can also create this fun feeling with healthy food. All you need to do is use your imagination. You can make vegetables appear fun by creatively styling your child’s food so it looks good. You can also give their meals imaginative names so they sound fun. ...
Chapter 2: Don't Tell them it's Healthy
don't tell them it's healthy feeding fussy families feeding fussy kids feeding the family get kids to eat vegies how to get your child to eat healthy food and thank you for it marketing healthy food to your children

You want to promote healthy eating to your child but there is a right way and a not-so-beneficial way to do it. Preach about healthy food and you risk boring them to death or worse, you may freak them out so much that they end up with an eating disorder. Some kids are sensitive. Others are just complicated or simply more focused on kids’ stuff. As a parent you need to keep this in mind if you want your child to comply with your health food rules. You also need to avoid making the following mistakes: Image: Home-made chicken nuggets...
Feeding Fussy Families
feeding fussy families feeding fussy kids how to get your child to eat healthy food and thank you for it marketing healthy food to your children Read Don't Tell Them It's Healthy for free

This book will change your life and make your parenting life MUCH easier.