Feeding Fussy Kids

Chapter 7: Lunchbox tips and tricks

be the influencer in your child's life beat obesity don't tell them it's healthy feeding fussy kids feeding the family fussy children get kids to eat vegies how to make children enjoy eating vegetables make mealtime fun marketing health food marketing healthy food to your children

Chapter 7: Lunchbox tips and tricks

It’s 8.30 a.m. and you’re rushing to get your child off to school on time. Wait! The lunchbox isn’t done. You want to pack something healthy so you grab an apple, a tub of yoghurt with a cold pack and a spoon, and quickly make a grainy sandwich, add a spread and wrap it. You throw in a healthy treat just in case they’re extra hungry. Oops, nearly forgot the water bottle. You seize it and make it out the door on time. You’re busy and a tad forgetful at times but luckily you’ve read Lunchbox tips and tricks. Lunchboxes...

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Chapter 6: Sugar, artificial additives, breakfast and behaviour

Chapter 6: Sugar, artificial additives, breakfast and behaviour

Sugar ‘A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down’ was Mary Poppins’ recommendation to children back in the 60s and the Ancient Romans believed sugar to be a precious form of medicine. However, since the late 80s, sugar-rich foods have been accused of causing an increase in bad behaviour and poor concentration in young children. So should parents be concerned about giving their kids sweet treats? Twenty years ago parents and school teachers suspected that sugar was affecting their kids. A series of scientific studies followed but researchers generally found no link between sugar consumption and unruly behaviour in...

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Chapter 5: Star quality ingrediants

be the influencer in your child's life beat obesity don't tell them it's healthy feeding fussy kids feeding the family fussy children get kids to eat vegies how to make children enjoy eating vegetables make mealtime fun marketing health food marketing healthy food to your children

Chapter 5: Star quality ingrediants

  There’s ordinary food and then there are the star quality ingredients that offer your child so much more than just protein, carbohydrates and fats (which are macronutrients). Star quality ingredients also contain a valuable combination of micronutrients such as antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals. Some of my favourite star quality ingredients also have the unique ability to alter the acid and alkali balance, or pH, within the body and this can positively influence health and wellbeing. You can use this scientific information to be confident (in your own mind) that you are telling your child the truth when you...

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Chapter 4: Fun food styling and marketing mottoes

be the influencer in your child's life beat obesity don't tell them it's healthy feeding fussy families feeding fussy kids feeding the family fussy children get kids to eat vegies how to make children enjoy eating vegetables make mealtime fun marketing health food

Chapter 4: Fun food styling and marketing mottoes

  Fast food manufacturers call products ‘happy meals’ and they make children’s food into small and fun shapes. They also associate their products with novelty gadgets and animated characters. This is clever. And it’s clear that over time many people come to associate these brands with enjoyment because they keep going back for more. Parents can also create this fun feeling with healthy food. All you need to do is use your imagination. You can make vegetables appear fun by creatively styling your child’s food so it looks good. You can also give their meals imaginative names so they sound fun. ...

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Chapter 3: Marketing magic—do tell them...

be the influencer in your child's life beat obesity don't tell them it's healthy feeding fussy kids feeding the family fussy children get kids to eat vegies how to make children enjoy eating vegetables marketing health food marketing healthy food to your children

Chapter 3: Marketing magic—do tell them...

Image: Home-made chicken nuggets and 'take-away' styled vegetables from The Healthy Skin Kitchen.   This is what you’ve been waiting for ... Chapters 3 and 4 focus on strategies to get your child eating healthy food of their own free will. These tactics are effective and work quickly because they have been worded in a manner that children find appealing and even exciting. They do not use grown-up phrases that your child may find ‘boring’ and they are tailor made to appeal to your child’s individual taste and hobbies. Your goal this week is to read this chapter, set one...

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