Oat and Leek Flatbread

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This is a recipe from 'The Healthy Skin Kitchen' book.

This divine, healing flatbread was my saviour when I had severe food intolerances — it made meals delicious and a little fancy. You can’t taste the leeks so it’s a great way to get fussy family members enjoying this potent anti-inflammatory vegetable. They can also be used as soft tacos or roti. If you don’t have a rolling pin, use any cylinder in your kitchen such as a jar, water bottle or other container.



  • 1⁄2 cup finely chopped leek (whitest part)

  • 1 cup filtered or spring water

  • 11⁄4 cup oat flour (plus about 1⁄2 cup for flouring the board)

  • 1⁄4 teaspoon quality sea salt


Wash the leek to remove any dirt, finely chop and place into a high-speed blender along with the water. Blend until smooth.

Put the flour and salt in a medium-sized bowl and place the bowl (and a rubber spatula) beside your cooktop for easy reach.Place the leek mixture into a non-stick wok or a large non-stick frying pan on high heat, then add the flour and mix well. Continue to mix and scrape down the sides as the dough forms and thickens. The mixture is ready when it resembles a dough ball. Flour a chopping board, pastry mat or clean benchtop with about 1⁄4 cup of oat flour and place the dough on it to slightly cool, or wear food prep gloves to knead the dough while warm. While kneading, add extra flour (if needed) to reduce the stickiness of the ball. Roll into a log and cut it into 8 equal portions, then form each portion into a ball.

Using two large sheets of baking (parchment) paper, place one sheet on the bench and dust with a little flour then flatten one ball in the centre of the paper. Dust with flour then place the other sheet of paper on top (this will allow you to use much less flour when rolling). Roll the first one into a roundish flatbread, as thin as possible without it splitting (about as thick as a coin). Place a small round bowl or lid (about 12–14 cm/41⁄2–51⁄2 in in diameter) onto the lightly floured dough and cut around it using a knife, to make a round flatbread.

In order to save time, cook them as you go (but only cook the ones you want to eat right now). Preheat a medium-sized, non-stick frying pan on moderate–high heat and cook the flatbread on each side for 2 minutes or until brown spots appear underneath (use a timer). As it’s cooking, continue with rolling the next flatbread. If there is leftover dough, make a smaller flatbread — you’ll be thankful for the extra one as they taste so good. When finished, serve with your filling of choice.

Tip: to avoid them going stale, only cook what you need and store the uncooked round flatbreads, separated with baking paper (use the paper you used for rolling) in a sealed container in the refrigerator, and cook them when needed.

We also have a gluten free version of this recipe which will be out soon at the healthyskinkitchen.com

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At Eczema Life, we recommend following a low food chemical program based on nutritionist Karen Fischer's 'The Eczema Detox' book. Along with our additive-free supplements for skin health and wellbeing. 

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